Aggregated Events Calendar

SLDP - Exploring Leadership Identity: What Makes a Leader?

Feb 5, 2025 01:00 PM to 03:00 PM
474 UMSU University Centre, Career Services
Registration Deadline: Feb 4, 2025 12:00 AM

In this workshop, participants will look at elements of their personal identity and life experiences and reflect on how that has impacted how they view leadership, how they engage with leadership, and how others view them as leaders.  


This session is a part of the SLDP, please ensure that you have completed the introductory session 'Looking at Leadership: An Introduction to Leadership as a Concept' prior to registering for this session. 


*This workshop will include some overview of content but will also rely on interactive activities and group sharing to promote learning. Please let us know ahead of time if you require an accommodation or if there is something that would help you participate in the workshop more fully. 

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