(Re)Writing your Career
Nov 23, 2023 02:30 PM
04:30 PM
Registration Deadline:
Nov 23, 2023 02:30 PM
In this interactive two-hour workshop, you will be guided through activities intended to help you reflect on who you are and what you want for your life and career. Have a notebook (or Word document) ready for the workshop, to participate in written reflections. You will also be invited to have career discussions with the facilitators and other workshop participants.
Learning Outcomes/Objectives:
Practice self-reflection skills surround personal values, interests, experiences, and goals
Explore and articulate a desired future self in the next 3-5 years
Identify themes in your life and connect it to career and occupational options
NOTE: This workshop will be held through zoom video conferencing. All registered students will be contacted by the facilitator via email with video conferencing instructions prior to the workshop.
UM Career Services
E: cs.recpetionist@umanitoba.ca
P: 204-474-9456
Register for Event